Last Updated on 10 months by Shaikh Mainul Islam
Dear readers, Happy Ramadan. One of the greatest religious acts of worship for Muslims is fasting throughout the Arabic month of Ramadan. Today we will know about the reasons for breaking fast and Why is fasting makruh?
There are five pillars of Islam. Fasting is one of them. Allah has made fasting obligatory on every adult Muslim. Since fasting is obligatory worship, we must fast.
But, do you know that fasting breaks for many reasons? yes And so today we will know the details of how many and what are the reasons for breaking the fast.
So, without further ado, let’s start with how many and what are the reasons for breaking the fast and many more details related to the fast.
What is the reason for breaking the fast?
Before knowing the reasons for breaking fast, we must know what fasting is or what to do during fasting. You all know what fasting is. still say
Fasting is the abstinence from taking any kind of food from dawn till sunset for the purpose of pleasing Allah.
Put more simply, Sawm or fasting is one of the 5 pillars of Islam. One of the reasons for fasting should be to please Allah. Fasting is not just about not eating. So before fasting you must know the reasons for breaking the fast.
The fast is broken mainly if something enters the stomach from the oesophagus, cohabitation with the wife and for other reasons. All kinds of halal, haram, raw and cooked food should be avoided. Nothing can enter the interior of one’s body.
Let’s see from the list below, what to do after fasting will break or rush the fast.
What are the reasons for breaking the fast?
- Eating any kind of food. If you play recklessly, you will think that the fast has been broken and play again.
- Not food but when it is eaten and enters the stomach from the oesophagus.
- Consuming drugs like bidis, cigarettes etc.
- Eating something raw is a food item that is cooked or prepared to be eaten. (flour flour, raw corn) etc.
- Eating something unusual, eg (rocks, paper, sticks, rags, etc.).
- If you spit out your mouth and eat it again.
- The fast will be broken if the wife lives.
- If the blood comes out from the teeth, if it is more than the amount of spit, then the fast will be broken.
- Another reason for breaking the fast is to enter the body through the nose, ears, throat, etc.
- The fast will be broken if eaten after the night (after Fajr).
- Having intercourse while fasting will break the fast.
- If water enters through the nose, throat and vocal tract while remembering the fast.
- If you fall asleep with water or any other food in your mouth. (If Sadiq ends in the morning).
- Vomit and swallow the vomit again. Maybe a very small amount but that can’t be done.
- If someone feeds something, his fast will be broken.
- If rain or ice pieces are taken in the mouth and it goes into the stomach.
- If you break your fast thinking that the sun has set before the Azan of Marib.
- When blood comes out of the body.
As far as alcohol is concerned, nothing can be taken inside the body during fasting. Be it a very small amount or something else.
Dear reader, know the reasons for breaking the fast for so long. Now we will know the details of why fasting is makruh.
What is fasting makruh and why?
Fasting is not complete unless it is broken. It is mentioned in the Holy Qur’an that fasting is makruh. Fasting refers to being makruh, the imperfection of fasting. In other words, while you are fasting, there are certain things that will not break your fast. But fasting will become makruh.
Makru means not making money. In other words, fasting can do these things, but Islam forbids doing them, it is called Makruh of fasting. There are some things that you can do while fasting, and if you do these things, your fast will become Makruhr.
In the Holy Qur’an it is said not to do the acts which are makruh of fasting. So let’s find out in detail why fasting is makruh.
Why is fasting makruh?
Fasting can be makruh for many reasons. Some of the reasons why our fasting is Makruh are mentioned below.
- Eating any Haram food at Iftar will break the fast.
- If something is chewed for no reason.
- Fasting is makruh if something is left in the mouth even if it is not eaten.
- It is makruh to take water in the nose by burping during the fast.
- Normal saliva produced in the mouth goes into the stomach even though it is not something too fast, if it is stored in the mouth for a long time during the fast and then swallowed, then the fast will be makruh. If the amount is more, the fast can be broken.
- A person’s fast will become makruh even if he keeps his body impure while fasting.
- Brushing your teeth during fasting with something like paste will make fasting makruh. Sometimes it can break.
- If you use Gul while fasting, fasting becomes makruh. And if you go to get it, the fast will be broken.
- Fasting and criticising others will make the fast makruh.
- If you tell a lie or testify during the fast, the fast will become makruh.
- Seeing or hearing something that causes sexual excitement also makes fasting makrooh.
- Fasting will become makruh even if you waste your time with dance, music, movies.
- Fasting can be makruh and broken if a fasting person tastes cooked food. But in special cases
- It is considered valid.
- Fasting is makruh for many other reasons that fasting is not sinful but is prohibited.
Fasting can become makruh for many reasons that are incompatible with fasting. Therefore, every fasting person should pay attention to this aspect.
Some important points about breaking the fast and making the fast makruh
Dear fasting reader, a fasting person will be able to complete his fast only when he knows the reasons for breaking the fast and the reasons why fasting is makruh.
So a fasting person must know the number and what are the reasons for breaking the fast, what causes the fast to be broken or broken or rushed.
You should know what causes fasting to be makruh, hundred percent accurate information about the reasons for fasting to be makruh.
Allah Ta’ala is the owner of the full reward or completion of fasting. But you must know and agree about everything. We should remember that not knowing is not wrong but trying not to know is very wrong.
So let’s all know the correct information about how many and what are the reasons for breaking the fast and for what reasons the fast is makruh. And help us get to know everyone around us.
Answers to questions related to breaking fast and Makruh fast. FAQs
Question: How many and what are the reasons for breaking the fast?
= Although there are many reasons for breaking the fast, basically there are 18 reasons for breaking the fast from which all the others are understood. Check out the reasons for breaking the fast mentioned in this post.
Question: Can dream dosha be the cause of breaking fast?
= No. Fasting is not broken because of this dream. It is forbidden to sleep during the day after fasting. However, if one sleeps and the dream is dosha, then the fast will not be broken. It is clear in the hadith that the Holy Prophet (PBUH) said that the fast will not be broken for three reasons: diarrhoea, vomiting and sleeplessness. In addition, bathing will be obligatory for both men and women.
Question: Do you have to pay expiation for intentionally breaking the fast?
= Yes. Not just atonement. Intentional breaking of fast requires both kaza fast and fast expiration.
Atonement can be performed in three ways. You can perform expiation in any of these ways along with Qaza fast. There are three ways to perform expiation:
Question: What is the punishment for breaking the fast?
= There is punishment for breaking the fast without reason. Fasting is obligatory worship. And if you don’t fast, there is a hadith about the punishment of those who do not fast for no reason, even if they fast, the qaza fast and the kaffa fast.
Rasulullah (SAW) says,
“I was sleeping. At that time, I saw that two people came and took my two hats under a guard. And saying to me, O Messenger, climb up this watch. Then the Prophet, with the help of the two men, climbed to the top of the watch and heard the loud cries.
Then the two men took Nabi further to the front. Where the Prophet saw a group of people hanging by their feet. Leg muscles are torn. The face has been torn open from where blood is pouring out.
Then the Prophet (PBUH) asked, Who are they? ” Then the two men said to the Prophet, “These are the people who received Ramadan Mos on earth but did not fast.”
Even if you fast for the rest of your life, you will not get that amount of reward. However, if you are unable to fast due to any reason, then you will have to make up for it later.
Question: I am breaking my fast for no reason. What should be done now?
= Allah is Most Forgiving. Observe the Qaza fast and make expiation for the fast. And repent in prayer to Allah and seek forgiveness. Say to Allah that you will never leave the obligatory fast without a reason. Surely Allah is Most Forgiving.
Latest on breaking fast and fasting makruh
Dear readers, in today’s post we have learned in detail about the number and what are the reasons for breaking the fast, what causes the fast to be makruh, what is the punishment for intentionally breaking the fast.
Hopefully, you have got a clear idea of the reasons for breaking fast and why fasting is makruh from today’s post.
Also, from today’s post, I have learned more about the reasons for breaking fast, what are the reasons for breaking fast, what are the reasons for breaking fast, what are the reasons for breaking fast, what are the reasons for breaking fast, what are the reasons for breaking fast.
And the expiation of intentional breaking of fast, the cause of breaking fast is blood, what are the causes of breaking fast, what causes breaking of fast, what causes breaking of fast, what causes breaking of fast, what causes breaking of fast, rules of breaking of fast, Details on what is the punishment for breaking the fast.
May Allah bless us all to be healthy and observe the obligatory fast properly.
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